My Fabric Market Report: Hot Trends and What I Loved
We just got back from the huge Showtime Market, mecca for textile lovers like me. Here is my report on the hottest fabric trends, and what I loved best.
We just got back from the huge Showtime Market, mecca for textile lovers like me. Here is my report on the hottest fabric trends, and what I loved best.
Sharon Santoni will visit Nell Hill’s June 28, during her U.S. book tour. I asked Sharon to share about her work, life and how to live a French lifestyle.
It’s time to pamper yourself by sleeping on a beautiful bed. Here are three spring bedding looks from Nell Hill’s to inspire you.
One of my favorite rites of spring is decorating my table, sending out invites, and welcoming guests to our home. Here’s some inspiration from my lake cottage.
When we redecorated the cottage next door, we dressed one bedroom for summer and another for winter. Both are warm and welcoming, ready for visiting family.
Everyone needs a few Happy Places. Spots where they can go to escape from it all and refill their hearts. One of my friend Nancy’s
It all came together on this one. My love of all things blue and white … of furniture crafted by Lee Industries …of the creative
Speaking from experience, it’s great to be the youngest in a pack of three kids. Despite what my siblings might tell you, as the baby
I would love to have grown up as one of the Cook girls, with a mother who is a fearless decorator, who follows her spot-on
It’s amazing how quickly kids grow. I’m gaining a new appreciation for this as my grandbaby Maeve seems to change before my eyes, leaving her
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