Tag: bedrooms

From the Archives: 3 Steps to a Beautiful Bedroom

While many things in life change and evolve, the steps to creating a beautiful bedroom do not!  Once upon a time Mary Carol laid out a roadmap to creating a stunning space in which to relax and regenerate, and this advice still gets me through my room refreshes today.  I thought we could all use a reminder from her this spring as we look to breathe a little new life into or completely transform our rooms during spring cleaning.

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Two is Better Than One

I’ve had something to say for a while. I have been nervous to share not knowing what the response would be, but here it goes. Trade in your guest room double bed for a pair of twins! I know I know, what am I talking about – have I gone crazy?! I wasn’t sure myself at first but over the last year I have been falling in love with daybeds and twin bedframes and now I can’t get enough!

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Our Design Consultants Share The Inspiration Behind Our Custom Bedding

While it is hard to believe that hibernation season (aka when the temperature drops below 40, hah!) is in our near future, time is moving fast! Now is the perfect opportunity to cozy up to some stunning new bedding creations. I am so excited to be back this week with more bedding to share with you. I have the absolute best team of designers here at Nell Hill’s and they have been keeping me in awe each and every month with gorgeous new bedroom designs. I have loved being able to see them express their personal styles here at the shop, because as I’ve said before, the best way to get to know someone is to see their bedroom!

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Meet Our Designers: Featured Custom Bedding

If the best way to get to know someone is to look at their bedroom, then the best way to get to know our designers is to look at their bedding! I get questions all the time about our talented design team and I want to introduce them to you! This year I’ve been tasking them to create their own custom bedding look for the shop and featuring them monthly. It has been so fun to see their bedding go from initial idea conception to flat lay to creation. We are only two looks into this program and I can’t wait any longer to share the first two designs (and designers) with you!

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Beautiful Beds: Blue and White Three Ways

I don’t know about you, but nothing makes me want to stay in bed all day lounging more than a rainy day. Seeing as spring is upon us, the drizzle of April showers won’t be going anywhere soon! This means, it is time to refresh and re-comfy (yes, I made up that word) our bedrooms for optimal rainy-day snoozing. I have been loving our new beds and bedding designs that the Nell Hill’s team have been creating on our second floor. If I had to pick one trend that is slipping into my dreams it is the ever-classic, beautifully timeless combination of Blue and White.

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A Fresh Look with Spring Bedding

This is the prime time of year to bring a fresh look to your home, and of course, this includes the bedroom! With warmer weather approaching (it doesn’t feel like it now, but soon enough it will!), it is time to start thinking about putting the heavy extra quilts and blankets back into the cedar chest and bring out the spring! Our lovely bedding experts at Nell Hill’s have been busy switching our looks out and imparting a few tips and tricks to the perfect spring bed.

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Bedding Roundup: More Plaid Please!

As cold weather approaches (and then leaves again and comes back…thanks Midwest!) it is really getting me excited about the upcoming season, and I don’t mean the holiday season! Sure, this time of year, it is most common to be fantasizing of dancing gumdrops, snow-covered trees and the cheery old man in red coming to leave presents, but I’m dreaming of – you guessed it – PLAID. Yes, it is finally what I like to refer to as “plaid season”!

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Let Your Headboard Shine

While I love looking at beautiful bedding during all times of the year, it is especially rewarding during these upcoming colder months! Our second floor is such a delight to behold with all the textiles and colors that grace our beds. However, it is more than the duvets that catch my eye! I have also noticed a big trend towards wood bed frames and uniquely upholstered headboards. I have brought in some unique (and dare I say, bold) styles that are sure to steal the show from the pillows, duvets and coverlets we love so much!

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Bedside Manner: Have Your Clutter and Clean it Too

For me, with comfort often comes clutter. My nightstand turns into a neglected library overrun with books that I’m too tired to read and my eye glasses seem to get lost among the fray of water cups, phone chargers and decorative tchotchkes when I need them the most (although I maintain that my glasses have the ability to move on their own). To keep what I deem necessities within arm’s reach (what’s the point of relaxing if I have to stand up to retrieve something) and to keep my husband from disappearing under a pile of decorative pillows and design magazines, I knew I had to make some changes.

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Spring Bedding Part 2

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend full of relaxation, good health, and plenty of video chats with loved ones! This week is bringing chillier weather and I can’t wait to snuggle up under my duvet! As promised here is part two of our Spring bedding roundup.

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