
Tag: inspirations

Farm Fresh Styles for Spring

Despite the 10-degree chill outside these past few days, it is full spring ahead in the décor world! It is always a strange time to walk out of the ice into a warm and colorful shop.  This in between time can also pose some decorating challenges. What is a home to do when it feels to early for full floral, but you don’t want to live in a winter wasteland for another month? This isn’t a one size fits all answer, but this year I am doing what I love to do year-round – bringing out the veggies!

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New Year, New Bedroom

Every year I try to set goals for myself as one does, and my New Year’s resolution for 2022 is to get more rest! Although with a baby on the way I can see how I might be setting myself up for failure, just as my 2021 plan to eat heathier went a bit off the rails.  Nonetheless, setting goals (achievable or not) is often what keeps us moving forward!  At least I can use my resolution this year as an excuse to give my bedroom a makeover, and that’s something I can get behind 100%!

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2021 Trends We Want to Bring Into the New Year

There is nothing quite like the start of a new chapter to reflect on days (and styles) past.  Each year brings such breathtaking trends that is seems a shame to leave all of them behind. Now don’t get me wrong, there are quite a few things I would like to leave in 2021 as we begin a fresh and exciting 2022, but I can’t help but reflect on a few items I hope to be bringing with me as well.

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Holiday Table Roundup

I feel like I’ve been working towards this holiday season for ages now (truly – planning for the Christmas season begins in January in the world of retail) and it is finally all about to happen! As part of my last steps of preparation, I’ve got my wrapping station going full force, my Christmas grocery list completed and now it is time to break out the holiday table setup!

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Holiday Style 2021: Marvelous Metallic

The holidays are a time of celebration and glamour, the time of year when we bring out our finest dinnerware and crystal to celebrate with family and friends alike. If there was ever a season to be “extra”,  I would say it  has arrived! As I was deciding on our holiday displays for the year, I couldn’t help but feeling that something was missing from the mix.  Knowing that I wanted to keep a thread of nostalgia coming through in all of our holiday looks, I finally found what I didn’t yet know I was looking for.  Going back through old photos (vintage is just a style waiting to be new again!) I saw the most glamorous trends of the 50s – tinsel and the fabulous aluminum tree. The sparkle, the fun, the sharp pointy edges! In all seriousness, I love the metallic shine that this style brings to the holidays and knew I needed to transform my favorite part of them  into our 2021 holiday displays.

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Holiday Style 2021: Elegant Earth

One of the many wonderful things about Christmas décor is that there are so many different looks with which to express yourself. Whether you love the traditional punchy vibrancy of a kitschy cute look or are looking for something a bit more refined, there is always a holiday collection perfect for building your dream collection.

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Holiday Style 2021: Kitschy Cute Christmas

After such a strange couple of years (what an understatement), I have been craving a holiday that feels like things are finally back to normal. There has been a huge demand for the holiday colors and décor of yesteryear whether that be our 30-year-old homeowners looking for a 90’s resurgence or vintage inspired goodies that take us further back in time. I was thrilled to find just the right pieces to create looks that encompass both memories from my childhood and speak to the magic of the season from the years that came before.

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Sumptuous Bedding: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at our Design Consultants’ Custom Creations

I can’t tell you how happy I am that it is finally feeling like fall!  I have been craving these cool evenings and the sight of changing leaves for quite some time now and am thrilled that the weather has finally taken note.  However, all good things come with a loophole.  In this case, it is me having a hard time leaving my warm bed in the morning! Luckily our designers have been creating beautiful custom bedding to keep us all cozy and comfortable during these cold months ahead!

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Bring on the Green(ery)

When it comes to decorating for the holiday season, I like to start off with stems. A great display is built up in layers and levels, each as important as the next. Beginning with greenery allows a strong base canvas to display all of your holiday splendor. You can’t very well add ornaments until you get the tree up first!

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Lux Lighting: Setting the Mood with Chandeliers

Lighting is an important part of any home and can make or break a well-designed room in the flip of a switch. I realized the other week after receiving an email from a reader that I have not touched on this important (and sometimes tricky) topic in quite a while. She was wondering, as I am sure many are, on how to pick chandeliers for the dining room, kitchen, bedroom and family room.  What are the styles available? What size is required? How do we hang them?! While hanging them isn’t my specialty (thank goodness for electricians!), I do have some tips for selecting the ideal light for your rooms.

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